(224) 770−5305

Dear Member,

Our IBEW Local 103 Voluntary Life and Disability Plan went into effect on May 1, 2020, with nearly 1,200 Members enrolled.  Due to the COVID-19 health emergency, I’ve negotiated a SPECIAL 60-DAY ENROLLMENT opportunity for anyone that did not previously enroll.

We mailed enrollment packets to our Active Members; please be on the lookout for information regarding these valuable supplemental benefits.

As a reminder, our Members do not receive any Disability benefits through our Health Benefits Fund, so please spend the time to learn more by calling (224) 770−5305.  You must enroll by 9/21/2020 for coverage to be effective 10/1/2020. 

Special Open Enrollment Overview:

  • COVID-19 is a covered illness on our plan.
  • There are no medical tests or questions to enroll and Members cannot be denied.
  • Benefits are paid tax free, directly to the Member or beneficiary.
  • Premiums are collected via secure ACH. You can cancel or reduce coverages at any time.
  • Benefits pay in addition to other benefits to give you better protection.

The decision to enroll in any of these coverages is the individual responsibility of each member and the plan is completely voluntary. To Enroll (must do so before September 21) call (224) 770−5305 or online: local103disability.com.

Louis J. Antonellis
Business Manager/Financial Secretary