(224) 770−5305

Dear Member,

Over 1,000 of our Brothers & Sisters have already enrolled in our NEW IBEW Local 103 Disability & Life Insurance Benefits.  I am proud to announce that we’ve successfully negotiated the following:

  1. Our Plan has been OFFICIALLY ACCEPTED by the insurance carrier, Sun Life Financial, with an effective date of May 1, 2020.
  2. All enrolled members will have coverage effective May 1, 2020 even if they are not actively working due to COVID-19 (as long as you were actively working on March 13, 2020).  This does not include anyone out on disability prior to May 1.
  3. Enrolled members currently not working due to COVID-19 related work stoppages can maintain coverage while not actively working for up to 90 days; just keep paying your premiums.  If you are not actively working and do not want your coverage to start until you go back to work, please contact (224) 770−5305.
  4. You can still enroll! Open Enrollment has been extended through 4/30/2020.

These benefits protect your take-home pay when you cannot work due to illness, injury or death. COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is a covered illness on this Disability and Life plan.

These new benefits are completely voluntary, you must proactively enroll to get coverage. 

To enroll (spouses can enroll on behalf of members) call (224) 770−5305 or go online anytime at www.Local103Disability.com.

Best wishes,


Louis J. Antonellis
Business Manager/Financial Secretary
IBEW, Local 103